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Thursday 28 December 2017

CoE Kicks Out At Right Wingers

Being a saviour isn't very well paid so if Jesus was alive today i would expect he would have to put his carpentry skills to use and knock out a few bedside cabinets between miracles but almost certainly he would be a leftie.
For some reason it is the political right who have adopted the beardy one and his dad for their side which is a bit puzzling because what i know about the two of them is that they wouldn't touch the right with a 10ft pole, a view echoed today by a senior Church of England Bishop who said that a right wing view doesn't relate to Christian beliefs. 
After the Catholic Pope stuck the boot into Donald Trump as not being very Christian, the Church of England Bishop of Liverpool, Paul Bayes, has stuck it to Trump supporters for standing quietly by their man while he contradicts God’s teaching to protect the poor and the weak. 
Without doubt Jesus would be part of the crowd jeering against the likes of Donald Trump and the rabid hate spreading religious right but ironically, the ones who are most opposite the things Jesus stood for are the ones trying to suck up to him and the ones who Jesus and his dad would try their hardest to keep the other side of the Pearly Gates.
Not sure how the Christians feel about being told by the Catholics and the Church of England that they are not very Christian but from where i am sitting, the fact that they announce that they believe in a make believe man in the clouds doesn't point to them being the sharpest knives in the drawer in the first place.


  1. Correct on every count but we will agree to disagree on the last paragraph.

  2. I can and do disagree with your beliefs but as they are your beliefs they are up to you.
