FOAB Information

Sunday 3 December 2017

Green's Porn Defence No Defence

I realise that the Government have been losing ministers hand over fist recently and to lose another one would bring on yet another headache for the beleaguered Prime Minister but the defence of Damian Green over claims police found thousands of pornographic images on his parliamentary computer is a bit of a strange one.
Those standing behind Mr Green are blaming the police for revealing the stash of porn they found on his laptop during a 2008 police enquiry into Westminster leaks.
Green at first called the report false but the Met Police detective who discovered the images has since been all over the media to explain exactly what he found and the Green response changed to he never watched or downloaded pornography on the computers seized from his office.
The 'wasn't me guv' defence seems a bit weak and looked even weaker when the Detective said that the although he can't be sure it was Mr Green who had been the pornography: 'The computer was in Mr Green's office, on his desk, logged in. It's his account, his name. In between browsing pornography, he was sending emails from his personal account, reading documents, writing documents'.
Tory MP Jacob Rees-Mogg attacked the Police's decision to comment now, insisting Mr Green has 'nothing to apologise for' and said: 'This undermines the basis of democracy and evidence taken from an improper search, as a matter of justice, should not then be used and it is these police officers who besmirched their office in the police force in the past and are now shaming themselves.'
A Cabinet Office enquiry is now being set up to investigate the allegations and if he lied to cover it up but watching pornography at work, in almost any other employment, would be instant dismissal so I'm a bit confused exactly what is being investigated, he got caught literally red-handed so off he goes surely.

1 comment:

  1. He should have been gone by now but he is still hanging on and i imagine hoping it will be forgotten in the furore over the Brexit negotiations.
