FOAB Information

Sunday 10 December 2017

Israel And Turkey Square Up

We do seem to have more than our fair share of idiot leaders at the moment and Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu are close to the top of the list and following the decision by the top idiot at the moment  to recognise Jerusalem as the Israeli Capital City, a row has broken out.
Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, who has warned of the consequences of Mr Trump's decision, called Israel: 'a terrorist state that kills children and have no values other than occupation and plunder' which is a fair enough assessment, Israel do kill children and they have been plundering and occupying their neighbours for over 60 years.
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu hit back by calling Mr Erdogan a leader who: 'bombs Kurdish villagers and helps terrorists' which again is fair, as they have been attacking Kurds villages and they were a great help to ISIS recently.
Murderous idiots throwing stones at each others glass houses indeed.


  1. nope, more than our fair share at the moment I said, never mentioned or compared it to previous era's.

  2. 'We do seem to have more than our fair share of idiot leaders at the moment..'

    Not presented as a fact, not comparing to previous era's, just a commonly used phrase to say we seem to have a lot of them at the moment. You are obviously struggling with this so let me help you out.

    official definition: Used when there is no definite number and you are speculating that there will be "quite a bit", "several", "many", or "more than a few" of something.
