FOAB Information

Monday 18 December 2017

UN 14 - USA 1

For someone who is mocked for having small hands, Donald Trump waves them around a lot when he speaks therefore advertising what a tiny penis he has but it is not just his genitals that are deformed but his brain isn't working that well either as we are finding almost daily but especially when he declared Jerusalem as Israeli Capital city despite all the warnings of what will follow. 
What did follow was further isolation for America and yesterday the US was outnumbered 14 to 1 aat the UN as the security council called for the withdrawal of the recognition of Jerusalem as Israel’s capital and was backed by every council member except the US, which used its veto.
All the other Security Council members backed the resolution which demanded that all countries comply with pre-existing UN security council resolutions on Jerusalem, dating back to 1967, including requirements that the city’s final status be decided in direct negotiations between Israel and the Palestinians.
The resolution was denounced by the US ambassador to the UN who described it as: 'an insult that would not be forgotten' and that: 'The United States will not be told by any country where we can put our embassy'.
Actually, the UN members did tell you where you can put your embassy and it's where the sun doesn't shine.


  1. Veto used: China 11, France 16, UK 29, USA 79, Russia/USSR 106. Your maths may need a bit of a polish.

    The UN is fine all the time it does what you want, but when you can't bully it into doing what you want then it's suddenly useless.

  2. If you don't consider saying to someone if you don't vote the way i say then i will stop your aid isn't bullying then your moral compass needs recalibrating. Also makes a mockery of Democracy which is something you guys were quite strong on a while back as i recall.
