FOAB Information

Tuesday 30 January 2018

Brexit Seems Even Further Away

Hard to believe that as the economic devastation Brexit will cause is slowly being revealed, there are still some people still excitedly calling for it to still happen but today a leaked report shows that whatever way you slice it Britain is going to take a massive hit but that won't stop the ignorant Little Englanders continuing to call for it anyway. 
While we are used to the lies emanating from the Brexit side, David Davis surpassed himself recently by first saying that an economic impact study the Tory government had been carried out 'in excruciating detail' only for him then to explain when he was being pressurised to publish it that it didn't actually exist after all.
Turns out it was done and has now been leaked and shows how Britain’s economy will be worse off after Brexit no matter what trade deal is struck with the bloc.
The report, ‘EU Exit Analysis – Cross Whitehall Briefing’, outlines the most likely scenarios all of which doubt that any benefits from trade agreements elsewhere in the World would be enough to outweigh the losses to the economy caused by leaving the single market and customs union.
As the Government is bizarrely powering ahead with Brexit you can see why they didn't want the information out in public that the bottom line is leaving, however we fall out of it, would make Britain significantly poorer Governments are elected to do the best for their citizens so to know the impact and the devastating effect it will have but still willingly go ahead with it is utter incompetence.
No matter how many times the Prime Minister or a Government flunky explains that they plan to build a strong and stable economy or that the free trade deals with America, India and China will fix the economic fall out from Brexit, we know that she and her cabinet have been told otherwise.
Those of us on the Remain side should be more and more confident that the Brexit madness will quickly seep away along with this god-awful Theresa May Government.

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