FOAB Information

Wednesday 24 January 2018

No To Maggie

Theresa May is not making a very good fist of her time as Prime Minister but she still has a long way to go to become the most unpopular female Prime Minister because Margaret Thatcher has that award stitched up.
It is pretty unlikely that anyone will be erecting statues to Mrs May in Parliament Square long after she has gone but then there won't be one of Maggie either because Westminster City Council have rejected plans to stick one of the 'milk snatcher' on their land.
Citing the cost of the vandalism repair, the Council said in their rejection letter that: 'The grounds of objection relate to the appropriateness of the subject matter, the concern over possible civil disobedience and vandalism'.
Very true, us Brits do have a strange compulsion to put things on Statues, usually wigs and traffic cones and once we discovered that the comic relief red nose fitted perfectly on the face of the Charles Dickens statue in Portsmouth's Guildhall Square he was rarely seen without one so Maggie Thatcher would have been a god-send to statue vandalisers everywhere.
Such was the dislike of the Conservative leader that even 28 years after she was seen in tears peering out from the window of a taxi as she was driven away, the mere mention of her name still stirs people to show their disapproval of her.
Tony Blair is the nearest rival to her for most disliked Prime Minister and his statue would be very quickly spray painted with Anglo-Saxons words but cleaning up the Thatcher statue would be a full time job so probably best you don't give us all such an easy target and let us concentrate on messing with the statues that we already have.


  1. Nope, we all just like messing with statues.

  2. Not destroying them, messing with them. The statue of queen Victoria in our town centre was wearing a day-glo green wig this weekend.
