FOAB Information

Sunday 7 January 2018

Rotton Eggs And Tomatoes Ready For February

The sound of placards being stacked away was deafening after Donald Trump pulled out of a visit to the UK because the Prime Minister couldn't guarantee British people won't turn up and shout horrible things at him, but the American President has plans to turn up here in February so get daubing those insults again as they may yet be used.
The wedding of Prince Harry and Meghan Markle is proving to be a headache because neither want him there but want to invite his predecessor Barack Obama and Buckingham Palace is currently in discussions with Downing Street with the most likely solution being neither is invited.
The Trump visit is probably going to be in February to open the new American Embassy on the banks of the Thames which is pencilled in for Monday 26th or Tuesday 27th but the Government are not confirming anything just yet but being a working day they hope to minimise the turnout of insult throwing Brits.
That said the date has leaked out and the Stop Trump Demonstration organisers have tweeted out: 'Put this date in your diaries. If Donald Trump attempts to sneak into the UK to open the US Embassy on 26/27th February 2018, he will be met by a million of us' which scuppers any plans to quietly sneak him him and back out again without us noticing.
I would guess plans are being made to drag his heavyweight carcass around with the least amount of contact with Brits, a landing at an out of the way, unannounced airport followed by a boat trip up the Thames to the Embassy would be my guess to limit access to demonstrators and foil the plan to wave angry worded placards at him and out of range of eggs and tomatoes.  
The problem we face now is what aspect of his flawed personality to make into a witty banner, too many choices but i don't think anyone is going to top the one above, that's just genius!! 


  1. True, I can't compare with serial sex offender on the Trump cv nor the five bankruptcies or the global laughing stock, oh well.

  2. So in order to not be lame in your book I would have to sexually assault people? You may need a new book.
