FOAB Information

Wednesday 31 January 2018

The Toothbrush Moustache

Adolf Hitler is remembered for many things but amongst his many crimes against humanity was his facial hair, the toothbrush moustache.
This style of moustache was one of the most popular styles at the beginning of the 20th century with Charlie Chaplin and Oliver Hardy sporting the tuft of hair below their nostrils but the German Chancellor made it an icon of the right-wing Nazi Party and that brought it's popularity to an end as nobody would want to be willingly associated with the Third Reich.
Over recent years the beard and moustache has been making a bit of a comeback but 70 years on the image of Hitler's facial hair is still so strong that the only time you will see it is on the face of someone parodying Adolf or Charlie Chaplin.
The toothbrush style has struggled to rebound and is harshly stigmatised today which is not a bad thing because as moustaches go, it is a bit of a rubbish one anyway but i can't see anyone reclaiming the 'look' so it will forever be known as the Hitler 'tache unless someone hip and trendy begins sporting one and even then they will probably just be derided as looking like Hitler.
That moustache's time has been and gone but to be fair the only two people in history that a moustache looked good on was Tom Selleck and Freddie Mercury.

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