FOAB Information

Monday 29 January 2018

Waging A War The West Can't WIn

The name Operation Enduring Freedom was always a massive misnomer but when it was launched by George W Bush and Tony Blair in Afghanistan, not many thought that it would still be going on 17 years later but despite hundreds of thousands of deaths and trillions of pounds spent, the only thing enduring is the awful death and destruction.  
Even by Afghan standards it has been a particularly bloody couple of days with a hotel attack leaving 22 dead, then 122 were killed in a suicide bomb attack using an ambulance in the centre of the city and today 11 killed in a military base.
Islamic State and the Taliban have claimed responsibility for the attacks and remain in unison in the hope that by continually destabilising the country and its government, they can take it's place.
Afghanistan is proving itself incapable of being stabilised and yet Iraq and Syria show the price of defeat which leaves the only alternative for the West is to press ahead with a war that isn't working and is unwinnable.
The West needlessly broke it and they can't hang up the Mission Accomplished sign and walk away as that would consign countless millions to the will of the rag-bag group of terrorists waiting to fill the void completely.
The blow-back from the Blair and Bush years is still on-going and won't be ending anytime soon as the West face the prospect of  having to continue to wage and pay for a losing battle.

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