FOAB Information

Friday 23 February 2018

Guns Not To Blame For Gun Deaths Apparently

In the aftermath of the mass shooting at a Florida high school, the nuts at the National Rifle Association have announced exactly what is to blame that 17 American students finished the school day with bullet holes in them.   
Of course anyone with a braincell knows what is to blame but braincells are sadly lacking with the gun nuts of America so rather than barn-stormingly awful gun laws, the NRA are blaming:

Insecure Schools
The Family Structure
Mental Health System
Mainstream Media
European Socialists

Not guns then obviously according to the brains-trust but they have come up with a solution to deadly bullets pinging around a classroom of children, more bullets pinging around the classroom.
Arming teachers is the latest ludicrous solution because throwing more guns into a situation while not making any attempt to control awfully lax gun laws is always the answer when the problem is a nutter with a legally owned gun.
That nothing was done after Sandy Hook shows that nothing will ever be done because 22 small bodies being buried is a price worth paying for people to keep their deadly weapons.
American gun laws are madness, the NRA and their supporters are unstable morons and Donald Trump is a halfwit so for now American parents will have to carry on worrying that their son or daughter just makes it back home alive after each school day until someone with a functioning brain has the light-bulb moment that actually, the problems is the easy access to guns.
There is so much American politicians could do but the solution they seem to have hit upon is having more guns, good luck with that America.


  1. This site was... how do I say it? Relevant!! Finally I have found something which helped me.
    Thank you!

  2. I post about your laws because it is basic human nature to care about people dying through sheer stupidity of the Government and gun nuts wherever it is, that it happens in the USA on a regular basis just makes it even greater stupidity.
    Your country, your gun laws, your young people getting shot in schools but if you are okay with that...price worth paying and all that?

  3. That's what separates the left and the right, the left cares about people, the right are far too selfish and only care about themselves.

  4. Wow, your lack of knowledge of the left and the left inspired movements is staggering. The left is all about equality, fairness and what is best for the majority. Unless you are attempting humour i suggest you read up on the left before you launch into another bizarre rant because you couldn't be further off about what the left stands for if you tried, which you obviously didn't.

  5. So I'm guessing you didn't read up as I suggested before another bizarre rant then. Oh well, it's your ignorance, I can't make you educated about these things so carry on whistling in the dark.

  6. Based on ideological differences the odds are very good that I have been to more left wings meetings Than your privatisation loving arse so who would be better placed to know what goes on in them? Someone who has hardly been to any or someone who has been going to them for 30 odd years?

  7. If you went to left wing meetings then you would be talking from a position of knowledge rather than interpreting someone else's interpretation. You don't so you rely on someone else's spin and make a judgement on that, very wrongly obviously as you are so far off beam I wonder how you got there. I also wonder what you think the left are trying to achieve.
