FOAB Information

Tuesday 6 February 2018

Space Exploration Takes Another Step Forward

Humans have taken another huge step forward courtesy of Elon Musk and his tactfully renamed Falcon Heavy Rocket which not only launched perfectly but returned back again to be reused.
Absolutely awe inspiring and one of those moments that come along every now and then that makes you think how amazing humans can be when we stop being jerks to each other and focus on something brilliant.
The image of those boosters landing by themselves simultaneously will be played alongside the moon landings when the story of Space Exploration is revised.
What this opens up is the possibility of space launches vastly cheaper than government alternatives. Nasa is working on its own heavy rocket, called the Space Launch System, which remains untested and is projected to cost around $1bn per flight while the Falcon Heavy would cost less than a tenth of that, at $90m per flight.
Just awesome Mr Musk and finally a giant leap forward after so many wasted years following the Moon landings.


  1. Cheaper but not necessarily better or worse as they will effectively do the same thing.

  2. Cheaper doesn't mean better, it just means less cost, it won't leave the Earth's Gravity 'better'. I think we may have discovered why you think the private sector is as effective as the Government.

  3. So how much is your debt now? Or the uk's? Or Germanys? Or spains? Or italys? Or Japan's? I will count the tumbleweeds as you do it.
