FOAB Information

Saturday 10 February 2018

The Coming Recession

The only things certain in life are death, taxes and recessions and we have seen recently  some wonderful shots of unhappy traders shouting, waving paper and staring at screens with their hand on their mouth which all means...well i'm not sure what it means but it seems like the economy is once again on it's usual one way trip to a financial crisis.
The finance guy on BBC must have been watching the Winter Olympics just before his piece because he talked about skating on thin ice, things hurtling downhill fast and there was even mention of a wild and scary toboggan ride which was accompanied by graphics of Global Markets with big down arrows next to them.
Last week’s share price crashed, wiping $4 trillion off the value of markets around the world before a slight recovery followed by another ariel with two and a half twists reversal.
I don't know what the economy people are saying, i don't even understand half the words they use but they seem to be getting excited about something and we could be seeing graphics with the down arrows for some time but if it leads to the collapse of Manchester United, McDonald's, Estate Agents and Ed Sheeran's singing career we can consider the coming recession a necessary evil. 


  1. I will forward your comments to the BBC and the economics and graphics department.

  2. And I will use it again for your lame comments. My source,The BBC, is clueless?
