FOAB Information

Saturday 31 March 2018

Gaza Mourns It's Dead

Huge coincidence that as Jews are berating the Left for anti-semitism, demanding that criticism of Israel is stopped, Israel is in the news for killing 17 Palestinians and wounding 1,400 demonstrating against Israel stealing their land.
Israel are claiming they are killing rioters and those performing acts of terror but that story is undermined when the first to die, a 27 year old farmer, was killed by a tank shell while picking parsley in his field before the protests had even begun.  
The terror acts include youths throwing stones at the wall where hundreds of heavily armed Israeli soldiers are sat firing down from atop the 8 metre high wall at thousands of unarmed people on the Palestinian side in Gaza.
Mahmoud Abbas said he held Israel entirely responsible for the deaths and has called on the International Community to intervene and UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres has called for an independent and transparent investigation into the violence and the use of military weaponry against civilians while the EU diplomatic chief, Federica Mogherini, also called for for a probe into the use
of live ammunition by the Israeli military.
Human Rights Watch called the number of killed and wounded shocking and released a statement saying: 'Israel’s presumption that it can dictate the actions of Palestinians inside the Gaza Strip is absurd. The decision where and whether and how to demonstrate in Gaza is not Israel’s to make. Israel has the power to immediately change life in Gaza for the better, but has chosen not to do so.
It has made Gaza a huge prison, yet forbids the prisoners even to protest against this, on pain of death.'
Israel have decided that marching on your own side of the defensive wall is grounds to murder people which could have far reaching ramifications for the Middle East if Hezbollah join the fight on the side of the Palestinians.
Their modernised stockpile of an estimated 130,000 missiles and rockets, and its 50,000 battle hardened fighters would escalate and bring death and destruction to Israel and Hezbollah hardliners are already making noises about intervening.
American is no longer an honest broker in the region, Donald Trump has proven himself to be as ignorant as he is pro-Israel and as they have a history of defending the indefensible when it comes to Israel, Palestinians must look elsewhere for support it needs to stop yet another Israeli disproportionate attack on the nation it has imprisoned and attacks with shocking regularity.
I just hope that the expected demonstration from the left recognises that it is the barbaric actions of the Israeli Government we are against, not Jews or Israel itself because Israeli supporters will try and shut down any protests with shouts of anti-semitism, let's not give them that opportunity.

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