FOAB Information

Sunday 11 March 2018

USSR Baton Handed To China

In 1982, China introduced two term limits on their leaders with the aim of preventing a repeat of the bloody reign of Mao Zedong which saw 45 million Chinese die and prevent too much power concentrated in the hands of one person ever again.
In 2012 Xi Jinping took over the reins and this weekend dismantled the whole thing and voted himself President for Life with a thumping Politburo majority who announced that it was a good thing that China had become a one-man dictatorship as if they would dare say anything else.
Since taking power in 2012 Xi has used an anti-corruption campaign to bring down a succession of potential rivals including more than 100 generals and admirals and six top party figures who were accused of plotting a coup so he has started as he means to go on obviously.
Following the ceremony in the Mao-era Great Hall of the People, it was announced that Xi’s political theory:'Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era' will now be the nations guiding principles and written into the party’s constitution and taught in schools.
Not sure what his thoughts on Socialism for the New Era are exactly, it's not easy to get a handle on what i expect will be Marx-tinged musings, but we could be about to pick up another clash of political and economic systems where the Soviet Union left off.
Even worse, with so many dullard leaders ruling at the moment you hope a few more don't get the same idea, one of the saving graces of Democracy is that at some point they will be replaced. 


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. They also have capital punishment, media censorship and support vile regimes, Asian version of your government!

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Reporters without Borders World Press Freedom ranking 2017 has USA 43rd so
    less than any in the EU means i have to find just 1 country in the EU with more Press Freedom to invalidate your claim. Hmmm..have two, Ireland is 14th and UK 40th.
    Want another try?

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. The result of one of the two main organsiations concerned with press freedom and used by the UN doesn't chime with your bluster, so how about we look at the other one in Freedom of the Press 2017 report which puts you 33rd. Of course that still wholly negates your claim that the USA has less media censorship than any in the EU as to name just 13, Netherlands, Belgium, Denmark, Finland, Switzerland, Luxembourg, Portugal, Ireland, Germany, Czech Republic, Austria, Cyprus, Malta are above you.
    Want another try?

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  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. Oh well, i tried to educate you but as with much, you refused to be educated. None so blind and all that so carry on.

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  11. As I said, carry on. Not up to me to educate you and you don't want to be educated so keep going in your own merry way. Enjoy.

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