FOAB Information

Thursday 22 March 2018

Younger Generation Ignoring Religion

A European Social Survey of young people aged between 16-29 around 21 European nations shows that the majority of them no longer follow a specific religion with 70% of British youngster not associating themselves with any religion or religious practices.
The Czech Republic was the country with the least religious percentage of young adults, with a huge 91 per cent identifying themselves as not having a faith in the while over half in The Netherlands, Sweden, Estonia, Hungary, Belgium, France, Denmark, Finland, Norway and Spain also said religion was not for them.
Stephen Bullivant, leader on the report said that: 'very few of today's young adults have had any serious connection with religion at all' and over the next decade there will be even fewer young religious people and the default setting is no religion, and the few who are religious see themselves as swimming against the tide.
As religion has been the cause of so many conflicts down the ages which continue today, it can't be a bad thing that religion is being sidelined by the coming generations.


  1. Struggling with the concept of something not being a bad thing??

  2. Less religion has been a constant of mine since i was old enough to acknowledge it although i have said that it can bring comfort to people.
    If the lack of religion is a reason then you would expect mass shootings to go up in countries where there is less religion but as the survey shows, in Europe religion has been left behind but no mass shootings in schools so i would look elsewhere in America with a massive red arrow pointing towards easy access to guns and daft gun laws.

  3. Brilliant, every excuse except the blindingly obvious. Good luck American school age children.

  4. I gave my answer but you didn't like it so you came up with a ridiculous list of other reasons to avoid blaming the obvious. Either magnificent ignorance on your behalf or yet another example of that famous lack of understanding you regularly display.

  5. So you are removing the Guns from the equation of mass shootings? You want to look at reasons why so many people are getting killed by guns but you don't want to include guns in the reasoning? Your country has more gun shops than coffee shops but you want to remove the easy access to guns to the question? You are able to buy guns in supermarkets along with your cornflakes but you don't want to look at that? In the USA you can buy a gun at 18, 14 in some states, but can't buy alcohol until you are 21 but that's not an issue?
    Anyone with a mental illness, as long as they have not been committed to a mental hospital, can buy a gun but that's not up for discussion?
    Now, i know you have a problem in understanding things you don't have a firm grip on but even you with your right wing, pro-gun bias and limited grasp of some issues can't really believe that none of the above are the problem. If you say yes and still want to blame women in the workforce, social media or a lack of religion for gun deaths in a country awash with guns and loose gun laws in order to sidetrack the discussion and fling the blame elsewhere like the NRA does, then than i can only wonder just why you fail to see what is blindingly obvious to almost everyone else including the 70% of your fellow Americans in a CNN poll who support stricter gun laws.
    Over to you Mr Right To Bear Arms.

  6. So you, as expected, continue to try and sidetrack the discussion and try to get the focus shifted elsewhere, useful idiot of the NRA and all that. Move on, nothing to see here and especially don't look at the dead schoolchildren in the cemeteries who were killed by gun owners using legally owned weapons. Just don't ask awkard questions, turn to the flag, put your hand across your heart and sing the national anthem like a good little American. That's it, good boy.

  7. Louder, people can still hear the parents sobbing over their dead children at the back. Good Patriotic American, if you can wave a little flag on a stick at the same time even better and don't forget to keep going until the news moves on. That's a good lad.
