FOAB Information

Wednesday 25 April 2018

British Welcome For Trump In July

The whispers are that the Government are looking for an opportune moment between the latest crisis of their making to make an unpopular announcement, when Donald Trump will make his much delayed appearance in Britain. 
If the whispers are to be believed then the protest banners will be getting an airing in mid-July but it won't be the full enchilada with a procession up the Mall and a state banquet amidst warnings of mass protests on the streets and the 2 million Brits who signed a petition demanding that the President be prevented from making a state visit to the UK.
The July trip would likely be a lower-key working visit and recently the London Mayor and Trump critic, Sadiq Khan, said that if he does ever turn up on our shores then he should expect "people who want to express their views loudly and peacefully to the President'.
The problem protesters face is which aspect of the flawed President their banner should focus.
As luck would have it there have already been protests about the 3rd fattest President so we could go for the Russian angle with Trump and Putin kissing and the 'making Russia great again' tagline.
Others have gone for the Russian Prostitute golden shower games with 'Dont Pee On Me' and 'Pee Brain' while other have chosen to mock his silly hair, 'We shall overcomb' is a particular favourite as is 'There Will Be Hell Toupee'.
His teeny, tiny penis hands also get an airing with 'Keep your tiny hands off human rights' and a very inventive 'Can't Build A Wall, His Hands Are Too Small' hits two birds with one stone.
Some have gone for the obvious with 'Donald Trump Is A Vulgar Fat Pig' which is true but probably isn't the catchiest phrase, while his weirdly orange coloured skin is an obvious target, 'Go Home Cheeto' a popular phrase but a bit of thought went into 'ImPEACH the ORANGE'.
The best option is to hit as many as possible in one go as this guy did with his banner which read 'A sex-fiend, racist and liar walk into a bar and the bartender says 'what'll it be Mr President?
All great and i look forward to reading some of these when Putin's pal arrives, if he has not been impeached by then obviously.


  1. Has someone without a sense of humour got into yours?

  2. I did answer and implied that you have no sense of humour, some of those are hilarious.
