FOAB Information

Sunday 29 April 2018

May Risks Losing Her Amber Rudd Lightning Rod

It's hard to believe that Amber Rudd is still clinging to her job as Home Secretary in the light of her bare faced lies to the Home Affairs Select Committee where she denied being aware of deportation targets despite a leaked private letter to Downing Street that she had set an 'ambitious but deliverable' deportation target for an increase in the enforced deportation of immigrants.
Amber Rudd must return to parliament on Monday delivering yet another apology for her handling of the Windrush scandal after further revelations about her role in and knowledge of the 'hostile environment' for immigrants, a role that was created by the previous Home Secretary, Theresa May.
The under-pressure Home Secretary will now rightly face a stream of hostile questions from Labour’s benches and any defence that she inherited the toxic immigrant policy is sunk below the water line as she picked up the policy and gleefully ran with it.
At the moment Rudd is the lightning rod conductor for public discontent and has loyally made her repeated apologies without allowing the blame to fall on to the Prime Minister for the policies May set in her six years at the Home Office.
With fresh Windrush injustices emerging daily, and knowledge that the Government knew that others had been snared in the teeth of the 'hostile environment', Theresa May must be worried what her replacement will say which could switch the spotlight onto her. 
May is seemingly content to keep her head down and allow her Home Secretary to continue to take the incoming fire but how long Rudd is content to take the damage to her reputation and political ambitions to protect the person who created the problem in the first place is another question and May knows that if Rudd says she has had enough, the white hot spotlight will move onto her.

Update: Seems Amber Rudd was content to take the damage to her reputation for about 30 minutes after i posted. Oh well, over to you now Theresa.   

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