FOAB Information

Saturday 21 April 2018

Not Trusting North Korea Or America

North Korea announcing it will cease testing nuclear devices and missiles and shutting down its primary nuclear test site at Punggye-ri is a huge step forward and one which looked impossible a few short months ago when the rocket man and the dotard were throwing barbs at each other via Twitter but you do wonder what bought about the sea-change in North Korean policy.
Donald Trump and the war hawks will argue that his hard-headed campaign of sanctions forced the North Koreans to the table which is politically advantageous to Trump considering his growing troubles with porn stars and Russians at home and with not much else to cheer his supporters.
Others are saying that North Korea has achieved it's nuclear programme ambitions and after decades of requests, have a naive and simple US President who they can twist around their finger with the ultimate bargaining chip and rather than full denuclearisation, they simply have to freeze where they are now and that is with a complete nuclear programme.
It will be interesting what view wins out and i am sure that we will know more by the July summit but i would say the same to Kim Jong Un and Donald Trump, don't be too quick to trust the word of the other guy.


  1. Isn't the inquest still ongoing? From what I keep reading it's getting closer to Trump all the time.

  2. Branding others as having Grimy sleazy paws while defending Donald, oh the irony.
