FOAB Information

Friday 13 April 2018

Remembering The Last Cold War

The UN's Secretary General, Antonio Guterres, has said the Cold War is back and if we put aside the threat to all life on the planet, the last Cold War heralded some important inventions so put on some leg warmers and shoulder pads and let's see what the last Cold War gave us.
We can thank the Cold War for the Internet which came around as a way to keep communications open during a nuclear attack and satellites which beam our TV signals around the World.
The Sat Nav in our cars was another Cold War Inventions as was Microwave ovens and the Space Race which ended with a human on the Moon was due to the competition between the USA and USSR.
Apart from the inventions and some fantastic Soviet propaganda posters, there were a few great songs like Two Tribes by Frankie Goes To Hollywood, 2 minutes to Midnight by Iron Maiden and London Calling by The Clash although they were far outweighed by the stinkers like Nena's 99 Red Balloons, Final Countdown by Europe and Land of Confusion by Phil Collins so as we are entering another Cold War, then the quality of songs will need to improve.
Then there was the Cold War films and the Soviet 'bad guys' in characters like Ivan Drago in Rocky and the mumbling John Rambo fighting alongside Al Queada version 1 against the Soviets in Rambo and Red Dawn where the Soviet paratroopers are defeated by a bunch of American teenagers led by Patrick Swayze and Charlie Sheen in his pre-drug addled days.
With the man-child Donald Trump in Washington and the macho idiot Vladimir Putin in Moscow we could be seeing pretty mushroom clouds before we get anything decent out of this one but at least we may get to hear 'Two Tribes' again.


  1. Depends how you measure it, number of nuclear weapons and use of the military Russia is ahead, influence and economically China are.

  2. 'really. that is your logic. you just restate what you said before'

    A goldfish in a bag and a book of 'How To Do Research For Dummies' if you can point to where i said 'Russia and USA have the most nukes so therefore they must have more than China' previously.

    Seriously, don't throw away that receipt.

  3. Shame you don't get the book, you really could do with it.
