FOAB Information

Monday 7 May 2018

Lucy Museum of Musicians - The Sweet

Qualification to The Lucy Museum of Musicians who deserve entry to Lucy's Museum of Musicians is they must have a minimum of three songs which would make me turn up the radio if they came on.

The Sweet
Qualifying Songs: Ballroom Blitz, Teenage Rampage, Wig Wam Bam

As mentioned in the T-Rex entry, i was late to the glam rock party as i had poo-pooed large swathes of the 70s as a DISCO hell compete with flares and glitter balls so discovering The Sweet was a nice bonus.
Apparently they had tried several genres and been sacked by numerous record companies and after failing to become a pop band in the mould of the Monkees, put on make-up and did a more rock orientated sound which was a stroke of luck as glam rock had just landed.
'Ballroom Blitz' is a very catchy up-tempo song with fast guitars and fast drumming and was inspired by a time the band were driven offstage by a barrage of bottles, probably during their Bee Gees phase if they had such a thing in which case they deserved it.
'Teenage Rampage' is very similar to Ballroom Blitz and is probably still referencing the time when the 'something in the air' was bottles of Tizer bouncing off their noggins as they ran off the stage chased by angry flare trousered youths with huge shirt collars.
'Wig Wam Bam' is a decent rock song telling the story of Hiawatha not bothering much about Minnehaha until she took him to the silver stream and then according to the song there was some bamming in the Wig Wam.
Now if only i could get Johnny Depp, a Wig Wam and directions to this silver stream then i'm all set.

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