FOAB Information

Wednesday 16 May 2018

N Korea Right Not To Trust America

I did wonder here  if North Korea and especially Kim Jung Un had been paying attention to the recent past and what happened to leaders who make a deal to get rid of their nastiest weapons.
Seems they have been because the North Koreans are threatening to pull out of talks after being: 'totally disappointed by recent reckless remarks from the US'.
It pointed the finger squarely at US National Security Adviser John Bolton who they described as repugnant after Bolton said that North Korea could follow: 'a Libya model of verifiable denuclearisation'.
As the Libya model included Libya's Colonel Gaddafi giving up his nuclear programme only for him to be killed by Western-backed rebels a few years later you can see why they are concerned.
As Iran is the latest recipient of American Indian giving when it comes to promises for disarmament and Saddam Hussein in Iraq was toppled when he stopped being useful and had rid himself of the WMD's, North Korea would be well served to remember this and trust Donald Trump as far as you could throw the clinically obese President.


  1. Humour really isn't your bag whatsoever is it.

  2. It's British humour and British humour is an acquired taste which involves a lot of 'mickey taking' and 'taking the piss' out of each other.
