FOAB Information

Saturday 5 May 2018

Trump The Deluded Gun Nut

I think i just heard Donald Trump say the solution to London's knife crime is guns, or that the reason the knife crime is happening is because Londoners are not armed to the back teeth with guns.
It's not easy to understand what his point is but just because he and his fellow gun nuts are happy with the trade off of their school-children getting gunned down in their classrooms by maniacs with legally owned guns, that it should be the blueprint for everywhere else?
The knives used in London to kill are illegal, they are banned but the guns used to murder tens of thousands every year in America are legally owned and because of bat-shit crazy gun laws, can be bought in shops alongside cornflakes and coffee.
His argument to reduce the amount of school killings was to bring even more guns into schools which shows the level of intelligence we are dealing with here.
That he even went down the even more screwball argument of cars kill so should we be banning cars shows just how weak the argument is by the deluded gun nuts over there.
Maybe Trump should stick to worrying about lying about his affairs and paying off porn stars and leave the proper arguments to the grown-ups because if anyone even contemplates the god awful example of American gun laws then they are not fit for office, and if ever anyone isn't fit for office, it's him and the self-deluded gun owners who agree with him who put their right to own a gun above the right to not become one of the 30,000 annual victims dying of that same right.

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