FOAB Information

Saturday 30 June 2018

90 Days Of Summer: Day 30

We are now officially on the thirtieth day of meteorological summer and with two thirds still to go i've already outstayed my welcome in the local supermarkets freezer aisle, the security guards have been eyeing me suspiciously as i have been spending far too much time standing with the doors open in the dairy section.
That the thermometer has been hovering around 30C for almost a fortnight now is too much to bear as is the weatherman describing the wall to wall blue skies, blazing sunshine and high temperatures as glorious and beautiful when all i want is a massive thunderstorm to wash it all away and be able to turn my cars steering wheel without getting third degree burns whenever i go around a corner.
Finally it seems my fist waving and cursing at Mother Nature may come to fruition because of the three weather apps on my phone, two are saying the UK's south coast is in for torrential rain, hail and lightning tomorrow.
The Met Office have issued a warning saying that heavy rain could lead to flooded homes and businesses and difficult driving conditions but no mention of a woman running around in the downpour cackling maniacally and belly-flopping into puddles which i guarantee will also happen tomorrow.

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