FOAB Information

Friday 8 June 2018

Own Up Canada, You Set Fire To White House

If we needed any further proof that America is being run by ignorant idiots, two further examples today from the chuckle factory that is the White House.
First up involves the Canadian Prime Minister, Justin Trudeau, who while in a discussion with the University educated American President, Trump accused Canada of burning down the White House in 1812.
Hard to pin that on Canada, considering that Canada didn’t exist then but i'm sure Mr Trudeau was far too polite to reply with 'For Christ's sake read a history book you ignorant moron' which was the only proper answer.
Then while we where still taking that in, taking a step forward was the State Department spokeswoman, Heather Nauert, who cited the D-Day invasion as an example of America’s 'very strong relationship with Germany'.
D-Day is not really the thing you want to cite when you're talking about the strength of the relationship between the U.S. and Germany and a wag on Twitter came up with the excellent line: 'You have six months to educate Heather Nauert on the history and significance of Pearl Harbour before she cites it as an example of strong US-Japan relations'.
That the disgracefully ignorant President is surrounding himself with disgracefully ignorant people is no surprise but this golden age for journalists and comedians is the present which just keeps on giving.

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