FOAB Information

Tuesday 12 June 2018

Trump's New BFF

They say a camera puts ten pounds on you so the amount of cameras pointing at Kim Jong Un and Donald Trump this morning must have been tremendous as the two of them squeezed through a very, very wide doorway together and heralded in a new age of whatever they signed up for because nobody seems to know.
What we do know about the meeting between them is that the signing ceremony was delayed due to them taking an extended lunch which was no surprise considering it was the two most well fed world leaders chowing down and that North Korea agreed to work towards denuclearising the Korean Peninsula at some point in the future when they get around to it between now and whenever. 
Mr Trump said America's joint military exercises with South Korea would be halted and that the meeting: 'had gone better than anybody expected' by which he meant he hadn't felt up the waitress or dribbled sauce down his tie.
I'm sure that the finer details will come out over the next few days but its nice to see jaw-jaw rather than war-war even if the American President has just called 'talented' and guaranteed the safety of the most brutal dictator on the Planet, who sends assassins to kill his half-brother with VX nerve agent and has 100,000 political prisoners locked up and tortured.
Now that France's Macron is distancing himself from Trump, Kim is his new BFF or at least until he Tweets something derogatory and Kim threatens to make the West coast of America into a smoking hole again anyway.

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