FOAB Information

Saturday 21 July 2018

90 Days Of Summer: Day 51

In 1977, ELO posed the question what did we do wrong for Mr Blue Sky to hide away for so long and although i don't think the band ever got an answer, whatever it was we must be doing it right now because Mr Blue Sky has been doing anything but hiding for the last couple of months.
It's Blue Sky for breakfast, dinner and tea and although to start with many were pleased to be with you and smiled up at you like the song says, now i'm not alone in wishing you would sod off for a week or so.
Even the weather folk are taunting us with the threat of thunderstorms and torrential rain only for it to be as elusive as a non-alcoholic drunk in Mel Gibson's fridge so now we have heatwave warnings, hose-pipe bans and advice on how to save water.
All of the weather apps on my phone are showing sunshine all of next week and temperatures in the low 30's which means further nights of waking up to an insect party in the bedroom and peeling the pillow off my face so Mr Blue Sky, please give Mr Cloud and Mr Overcast a go, summers tough enough without you sticking your oar in every bloody day as well.

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