FOAB Information

Wednesday 25 July 2018

Stick To Football Casillas

Footballers are known for their ability to kick a ball into a net or in the case of goalkeeper Iker Casillas, stop the ball from going into the net and all the time they are on the pitch then they are in their comfort zone and applauded.
It is when they come off the pitch and actually try to use their brains that they seem to falter as the Spanish goalkeeper is now discovering after throwing doubt at the Apollo 11 moon landing in 1969.
Casillas tweeted 'Next year it will be (supposedly) 50 years after a man stepped on the moon. I'm at a dinner with friends ... arguing about it. I raise the question to the public! Do you think he stepped on [the moon]? I do not!'
We could show him the vast weight of evidence supporting the fact that humans really did land on the Moon multiple times between 1969 and 1972 but it's far easier to just smile politely and wait for further tweets where he explains how Elvis is still alive, JFK was killed by the CIA and how Governments are using Chemtrails to control us.

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