FOAB Information

Wednesday 12 September 2018

Blame The Parents

We like to think that since we were 18 we have matured, become more rounder individuals and wouldn't be seen dead with the haircut we had back then but science has said that something that wouldn't have changed is taste in music because by the time we blow out the candles on our 18th birthday cake, our musical tastes are locked in.
Neuroscientist Daniel Levitin explains that until we hit our 18th year, our brains are still developing and creating neural pathways especially between aged 10 and 18 when the brain is creating the most deepest pathways influenced by what we see and hear and if it's hearing mostly rap and hip hop in those formative years then you are destined for a future of track suits, big chains and saying
stupid things like 'that's dope' to people who will slowly edge away from you.
For me this all rings true, my musical tastes are not so far different to what they where when i was wearing a denim jacket and used food dye to colour my hair.
So if you are reading this while listening to Country and Western and wondering why the hell you like it i would blame your parents for playing Dolly Parton's Greatest Hits on a loop back when you were a teenager and conditioning your brain to enjoy naff songs about pick-up trucks and moonshine sung by men called Billy Bob or Buck.

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