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Sunday 30 September 2018

Fun At The Conservative Party Conference

The Lib Dems were largely ignored, the Labour one was great and now it's the Tories turn for a Party Conference and i don't generally look forward to this one but this year it should be fun because they have been ripping each other apart for the past year and now they are all going to be together in a room and hopefully fighting like a bagful of cats.
Credit to Theresa May because i didn't think she would still be the Prime Minister when she coughed her way off stage last year but she's still in charge but not through want of trying to boot her aside from her Party.
Despite being so god-awful, she has been lucky that there is such a dearth of talent in her Party and those who have tipped their hats towards a leadership challenge are either too unpopular amongst other Tories (Boris Johnson, Michael Gove), unappealing (Sajid Javid), too far right (Jacob Rees-Mogg) or just plain unelectable (Jeremy Hunt) so Theresa is safe this side of the March 2019 Brexit deadline.
So off to Birmingham then for a week of right-wing bitching and back stabbing and let's see who is the first to break cover and tell the Prime Minister she has to go following her eve of Conference call for the Party to come together after Boris Johnson said the May Brexit plan was 'deranged' and was called 'irrelevant and offensive' in return by a senior Party official. 
It's going to be fun!

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