FOAB Information

Wednesday 5 September 2018

Not Everyone Thinks Trumps An Idiot

If Michael Wolff is to be believed, '100 percent of the people around Donald Trump don’t think he’s fit for office. They all say he is a moron, an idiot' but in the orange one's defence, they don't all think he's an idiot and a moron, some consider him deplorable and crazy also.
Toting up the insults against Trump, most think he is an idiot including H.R. McMaster, the National Security Adviser and the National Economic Council director Gary Cohn and Chief of Staff John Kelly, Secretary of Treasury Steve Mnuchin and Chief of Staff Reince Preibus.
The Secretary of State, Rex Tillerson, famously said Trump was a 'F****** moron' and that would be bad enough but the rest of the staff used other names for the President including Tom Barrack Jr who said he was 'stupid' but Gary Cohn went as far as to call him 'dumb as shit'.
The White House Principal Deputy Press Secretary Raj Shah called him 'deplorable' and John McCain said he was 'sad' and 'half-baked' and FBI Director James Comey went for 'Morally unfit to be president', 'unethical and untethered to truth'.
White House chief of staff John Kelly said the President was 'unhinged' and White House adviser Omarosa Manigault Newman went for 'a racist, misogynist and bigot', a view backed by Barbara Res, executive vice-president of Trump Organisation, who said he was a 'supreme sexist'.
Steve Bannon said he was like 'an 11-year-old child', White House deputy chief of staff Katie Walsh said working with Trump was like 'trying to figure out what a child wants' and Republican senator Bob Corker of Tennessee called the White House under Trump 'an adult day care center'
H R McMaster once again stuck the boot into his boss by saying he had the intelligence of a 'kindergartner' and Defence Secretary Jim Mattis said Trump had the understanding of 'a fifth- or sixth-grader'.
So take your pick if Donald Trump is an idiot, moron or any of the other insults thrown at him but as these are the people who worked and know him best, who are we to argue with them in their assessment.

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