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Friday 14 September 2018

Use Your Illusions...Nevermind

The last thing i want to come across as is one of those clapped out old 40-somethings venting her fury on the bands of today not being as worthy as the bands of yesterday. The real shame is that the bands of today are NOT as worthy as the bands of yesterday so us 40 somethings have no choice but to vent our fury on the subject. It's your own fault kids of today, not ours.
We should have put away our ripped, faded jeans and converse trainers a long time ago but since the early 90s there has been a void in music, a couple of decades of insipid pap offered up and although it probably isn't wise to take advice from a man who sang 'I swear that I don't have a gun' just before he blew his brains out with a shotgun, Kurt Cobain did predict it when he said: 'It's sad to think what the state of rock'n'roll will be in 20 years from now' but if Kurt was still with us and saw the state of music today he would be very sombre indeed.
As evidence that our oldies music rule and your kids music suck, I offer two of the best albums ever to be shoplifted from HMV and both were released 27 years ago this month within a week of each other, the pinnacle of music coming down to a week in mid-September 1991.
First up was Nirvana's 'Nevermind' on the 17th followed by 'Use your Illusions 1 & 2' by Guns N Roses on the 24th.
You would have to wait a long time to find another album that came close to Nevermind and songs like 'Smells Like Teen-Spirit', 'Lithium', 'In Bloom' and 'Come As You Are' or, as it turned out, you only had to wait a week because 'Use your Illusions 1 & 2' was released at midnight the following weekend and i was stood outside a record shop for a second time in 7 days waiting for the doors to open at midnight and to swap a ten pound note and a few pound coins for a slab of vinyl.
Who have the kids today got who can compare to Kurt Cobain, Axel Rose and Slash? Ariana Grande? Ed Sheeran? The last winner of X Factor?
Of course you can't really blame the kids, they can only buy what is served up to them and we are in a depressing cycle of reality show contestants stinking up the charts with bland, plastic pop but with music being so fragmented into so many genres, i can't really see another grunge or punk movement happening which is a shame because it gives people like me the opportunity to say 'your music sucks'
to the kids which is exactly what my parents said to me and i hate the way today's uninteresting music and musicians has turned me into my parents.

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