FOAB Information

Thursday 6 December 2018

Bush Trolling Trump At His Own Funeral

Elsa would have been proud at the frosty reception the Trumps and the Clintons gave each other at the funeral of George Bush Senior who was a well known critic of the current President and listening to the service, Trump must have wondered if the elder Bush was getting the last laugh on him.
One speech referred to that during Bush's time in office a wall fell in Berlin and doors across America opened to those with disabilities which could be taken as a stand against Trumps Mexican wall and his cruel mocking of the disabled.
Another referred to Bush's code being to always tell the truth while another praised his strong environmental legislation, including the Clean Air Act and that when George Bush was President every single head of government in the world knew that they were dealing with a gentleman. Ouch said the current President who is a climate change denier and removed the US from the Paris agreement.
Then there was a line about those who travel the high road are not bothered by heavy traffic which had to be a dig at Trump missing a WW1 service in Paris due to rain and traffic congestion but the clincher for me that the whole service was one long laugh at the current man in the White House was the line that President Bush had big strong hands, which had to be aimed at the famously small handed Trump.
However, not being the sharpest knife in the drawer, they probably all went over Trump's orange head.

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