FOAB Information

Tuesday 4 December 2018

Deep Breath And Calming Thoughts

Us Brits are a cool, calm and composed race or at least for the first 8 minutes and 22 seconds we are anyway because that is the amount of time we wait in line before we lose our temper.
A Talk Talk survey found that the 'point of impatience' for a website to load is 3 minutes and 38 seconds before we give up while we will hang up on a phone call if we are waiting longer than 5 minutes and 4 seconds.
It's 8 minutes 38 seconds if you're waiting to be served in a restaurant, 10 minutes 1 second if you're waiting for friends to show up, 10 minutes 43 seconds if you're staying in for a tradesman, and 13 minutes 16 seconds if you're waiting for a reply to a text.
The survey also found that while the over-45s will cancel a service, put down the phone or walk out, the under the under-45's are five times more likely to do something physical such as start shouting, abuse an employee or throw something across the room.
A Talk Talk spokesman concluded that: 'The speed of the online world is making us less prepared to wait for things to happen in the offline world' which may be true but i always found my point of temper came within 10 seconds of seeing Piers Morgan on the TV when i will generally throw whatever comes to hand at the TV and shout abuse at the annoying gimboid.

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