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Tuesday 1 January 2019

2019 Psychic Predictions

One of the most thankless tasks is that of the Psychic and especially at this time of year as they are asked to make predictions for the coming year and then smart-arse bloggers write them down and go back and to check them 12 months later.
Therefore credit to Aussie Psychic, Medium, Writer & Spiritual Life Styler Julie McKenzie for saying to hell with you irritating and smug British bloggers, here are my predictions for 2019.

- Huge earthquake Los Angeles
- Papua New Guinea or Japan hit by magnitude 9 Earthquake
- Russia will invade, seize and absorb into Russia further parts of Ukraine
- Assassination attempt on Putin
- Russia will put a nuclear weapon into space
- USA admits to using Extra Terrestrial technology they got from Roswell in 1947
- Mark Zuckerberg will go to jail
- Queen Elizabeth dies and Charles becomes King briefly and then William takes over
- It will be revealed Meghan Merkel was pregnant when her and Harry got married
- Stevie Wonder will fall ill and die
- A World famous boxer will die after a fight

As usual we will come back at the end of the year and see what Julie got right.

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