FOAB Information

Sunday 20 January 2019

Abbott Doing Herself And Labour No Favours

As a Labour supporter i'm worried that Jeremy Corbyn, as much as i agree with his policies, hasn't got the support in the country to win any upcoming General Election and we will be lumbered with a Conservative Government for another five years and as the previous eight years haven't been a success, another half decade of the Blue side in power and even more ideologically driven austerity cuts should scare us all.
What doesn't help Labour is people like the Shadow Home Secretary, Diane Abbot, who has come out and blamed the BBC for making her look bad on Question Time on Thursday and: 'legitimising mistreatment, bias and abuse against Ms Abbott as a black woman in public life'.
It's absolutely ridiculous that Fiona Bruce made Diane Abbot look bad because Diane Abbot did a good job of that herself.
As any half decent journalist would do, the host kept interrupting Abbot and tried to get her to answer the question the studio audience had asked.
If Abbot had set out Labours plan for Brexit rather than trying to answer the uncomfortable question by avoiding answering it at all then she would have not been interrupted for an answer at all.
That Labour and the Conservatives are equal in the polls despite the absolute debacle of the Conservatives Government reflects badly on Labour but whining and moaning that you are given a rough time because you are a black woman rather than because you were caught out being ill-prepared and unable to steam-roller the new host in front of the Television camera's does nothing to help.

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