FOAB Information

Sunday 6 January 2019

Halal Meat Not Popular

I don't like to see any business go bust but i have given two little cheers recently when a cafe and then a burger place around the corner from me put up the 'closing down' signs.   
It was about a year ago when the cafe opened, run by a Muslim family, and in the window was a large, neon 'HALAL MEAT' sign and although i was happy to see the place almost empty every time i walked past it, within three months it closed and stood empty for a short time before the builders moved in and at the end of summer converted it to a fast food burger joint, run by the same Muslim family. 
Another bright flashing sign went up, again advertising that the burgers were 'Halal' and just before Christmas another sign went up saying it was closing down, i would like to think that any potential customers were educated enough on what 'Halal Meat' entails and gave it a wide berth.
Now it seems that it's not just the people in my neighbourhood who are against Halal meat as Belgium has joined Sweden, Denmark and Slovenia in banning the Muslim and Jewish methods of ritually slaughtering animals.
Although the standard way of slaughtering animals is little better, Halal means the animals is not stunned before slaughter so they can’t feel pain while the Jewish and Muslim religious laws require that animals are conscious and suffer a single cut to the neck and the animal left to bleed to death in horrendous pain.
As expected the Jewish and Muslim community are calling it 'an attack on the freedom of religion' but i say it is more to do with stopping the barbaric and appallingly awful practise of inflicting pain on animals when you kill them for food and nothing to do with your religion.
If you don't like it stick to carrot sticks and lettuce, i'm sure your Gods are fine with them.

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