FOAB Information

Friday 4 January 2019

Just A Red Moon And Not A Biblical Warning

Because religious folk are at the more gullible end of the spectrum, when a religious leader makes an announcement they all start rattling their rosary beads in fright and this time it's over the Blood Moon on January 21st which is being used as a Biblical sign of the approaching end times.
The Blood Moon prophecy is said to forewarn humanity of the end of the world by painting the Moon a blood-red colour as explained several times in the Bible Pastor as explained by Evangelical preacher Paul Begley who also ties it in Donald Trump being born on a Blood Moon, on June 14, 1946 and January 20th is the second anniversary of Trump being sworn in as President.
'The Super Blood Moon on January 20 and will go past the midnight hour on January 21' he explains before stating that it’s a warning for all of us to give our lives to Jesus Christ.
'Christians, you do not need to fear this Blood Moon. If you’re saved folks – anybody out there who is saved – you have nothing to fear' but i'm going to stick my neck out and say we will all be okay and Pastor Begly has been sneaking far too many sips of the Communion wine again.

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