FOAB Information

Wednesday 16 January 2019

Second Referendum

Looking into my crystal ball i see a second referendum and Brexit being overturned and the whole sorry mess being forgotten and we live long and happy lives staying in the EU but that is an affront to Democracy i hear time after time.
Democracy, the act of placing a cross on a ballot paper every five years in order to hand over political control to a party is as much say as we have. Yes we can remove a Government but once in they are there for a long time and can cause untold lasting damage to every corner of our lives.
So 52% voted to leave against 48% wanting to stay but that was in 2016, we are now in 2019 and opinions have changed and moods have swung especially now we know the consequences of Brexit.
We held an election in May 2015 and had another one in June 2017 after 26 months to elect a Government which is less time than between June 2016 and today, 43 months.
Short of a revolution as in Ukraine, we are stuck with them and 5 years until Democracy wheels its way back again.
Democracy is 1 day every 1826 days and no way to remove the party if its breaks its promises or make u-turns on the manifesto it was elected upon.   
It seems that the thing the Brexiteers are praising the highest is really not that praiseworthy and is completely movable depending on whether your side won or not.
A second referendum is the way to go, mostly as we now know the far reaching consequences of what will happen if we go ahead with it, but also because so much has changed in the 43 months since we made the fateful decision so let's give the Leavers a chance to reflect on their previous decision.

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