FOAB Information

Thursday 3 January 2019

Stay Safe Kids And Avoid The Military

If anybody asked me for my opinion for joining the military i would question their sanity and explain that absolutely anything would be a better career move so i would be no help to the British Army who have launched a recruitment drive as they seem to have problems getting youngsters to sign up.
Because the words 'cannon fodder' is frowned upon when trying to get young men and women to join up they have hit upon the idea of targeting young people with posters calling on 'snowflakes, selfie addicts, class clowns, phone zombies, and me, me, millennials' to join the military.
The idea is to attract young people to join the UK forces by claiming the army is looking for special skills in order to convince young people that their snowflake attitudes, obsession with their phones and passion for video games make them right for a career in combat.
The TV advert shows exciting scenes of soldiers delivering humanitarian aid but they seem to have left out the main part which includes shooting at people and getting shot at in war zones which seems a bit of an oversight.
The British army’s Major General Paul Nanson said that the advertisement campaign is designed to show that the army looks beyond stereotypes and 'sees people differently' which to be fair they do, they see them as idiots they can send to war to die and be maimed while he and his buddies sit in the safe seats and come up with daft ideas to replace the ones no longer able to do the job.
My career advice would be stay at home in safety with your video games and mobile phones kids and ignore anybody who pushes the lies that the military is anything other than the most disastrous career move you could ever make.

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