FOAB Information

Tuesday 26 February 2019

20C In Winter Isn't Right

If wildfires in the Arctic Circle isn't enough to make you wonder if something is wrong then Winter temperatures of 20.3C in the UK should stir something in even the most spaced out of slow to stir brain cells. 
This weekend i joined others sat outside a heaving riverside pub, most people wearing short sleeves and a few hardy ones in shorts but most with sunglasses either balanced on top of their heads or doing their job of blocking out the sun shining down from a cloudless, blue sky.
It may be a familiar scene in June, July or August but this is February and still Winter and this could only be happening after a sustained period of seriously messing with the atmosphere. 
Hearing it described as 'glorious' and 'beautiful' rather misses the point that however nice the warmth may feel, you shouldn't be able to sit outside at this time of year in clothes meant for Summer without turning a nasty shade of blue and shivering your teeth loose.
The top 20 hottest years on record have all happened within the past 22 years but the sting comes when the sun goes down at at around half past five and the temperature drops and you suddenly realise that wearing that thin blouse and skirt or short sleeved shirt and shorts wasn't such a good idea.
It doesn't bode well for the rest of the year when the even higher temperatures kick in but mostly why is it not jolting in the brains of the people who can actually do something about it that 20C in Winter is very, very wrong.

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