FOAB Information

Thursday 7 February 2019

Finding The Right Part Of Hell For Brexiteers

The EU negotiators seem to have hit upon the theme that anyone promoting Brexit would have a place in Hell reserved for them although they haven't said which circle of Hell they should be placed because there are nine and each is reserved for a different sin.
The First Circle is an inferior form of Heaven where the virtuous non-Christians and unbaptised pagans go so safe to say they won't be going there.
The Second Circle is for people who sins include Lust, which seems perfect for Boris Johnson although he could also call home the Third and Fourth Circles which are for the sins of Gluttony and Greed
The Fifth Circle is where the angry, wrathful and sullen are punished for their sins while heretics populate the Sixth Circle and murders, rapists and others who were violent go to the Seventh Circle.
Fraudsters, seducers, thief's, flatterers are in the Eighth Circle along with corrupt politicians so i think we may have found exactly where the Brexiteers will be landing. This Circle is full of stony ditches with bridges between them. 
The Ninth Circle is for the sins of Treachery but the Eighth Circle seems ready made for those politicians who are willing to throw the whole nation under the bus for their own personal gain.
Theresa May and her clan had better make sure they take their hiking boots with them because an eternity crossing bridges and stone filled ditches is going to call for some sturdy footwear.

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