FOAB Information

Thursday 14 March 2019

Bloody Sunday Hypocrisy

Bloody Sunday was the day in 1972 that 13 unarmed protesters were shot dead by the British Army in Londonderry during a protest against a new law introduced to detain people without trial indefinitely.
A further 15 were injured and in 2010 an investigation concluded that the killings had been 'unjustified and unjustifiable' and dismissed suggestions by the soldiers who had opened fire with live rounds that those who had been killed had been armed with guns and nail bombs.
It was announced today that only one soldier, only identified as soldier F, will face prosecution for two murders and four attempted murders.
Last week the Northern Ireland Secretary, Karen Bradley, attempted to deflect any blame for the killings by saying that the 13 deaths could not be crimes because they were caused by British soldiers were: 'fulfilling their duties in a dignified and appropriate way'.
She was forced into a humbling apology when it was pointed out that there was nothing dignified or appropriate in shooting dead people waving white flags, going to the aid others or attempting to crawl to safety.
As expected the Government have shockingly continued to stand by their armed forces, Defence Secretary Gavin Williamson saying the Ministry of Defence would support soldier F and pay the legal costs as: 'We are indebted to those soldiers who served with courage and distinction' and 'the government will urgently reform the system for dealing with legacy issues. Our serving and former personnel cannot live in constant fear of prosecution'.
Those pathetic words just mean that they will make sure that the military will not be able to be prosecuted for when they go on another mass killing spree.
The Northern Ireland Veterans group said 'No soldier should be charged. It happened 47 years ago, a line in the sand needs to be drawn and people need to move on' which is just more pathetic nonsense because no matter how long ago it was, if someone murdered another person, then they should be brought to trial and prosecuted.
The murderer known as Soldier F can only feel aggrieved that he is the only one being prosecuted for that dark stain on our nation and the atrocious grief he and his trigger happy friends caused that day.

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