FOAB Information

Sunday 24 March 2019

Confused By Brexit? You Soon Will Be

It's a good job that nobody is fed up with hearing about Brexit yet because the two year long slog is going into extra time and next week is yet another decisive week.
If you have been following along then you will know that Theresa May's deal has been thoroughly rejected by the House of Commons which means she has had to go to the EU and beg for an extension to try and get a decision which they have granted and now we have seven ways we can go, which will be voted on this coming Wednesday to decide what option we will go with.
The options up for consideration if Theresa May's exit deal fails (or is pulled) through the Commons are to Revoke Article 50 which means we forget the whole thing and stay as we are, a second referendum which means the decision-making taken back to the public for a final vote on the Brexit deal.
The third deal is yet again the Prime Minister's deal while the fourth is the PM's deal with the UK remaining within the customs union and the fifth is the PM's deal with customs union and single market access.
The sixth a Standard free trade agreement also known as a Norway-style deal which is joining the
European Free Trade Association (EFTA) which allows access to the single market and limited EU trade barriers, but are not in the customs union.
The final, and least popular option, is to just leave without any deal whatsoever but this is yet another week of Brexit fun and games and while i will be hoping for Revoking Article 50 and ending the whole sorry debacle, i will be happy to see a second referendum which as the Brexiters are fully aware, will result in a reversal of the previous referendum and slamming the door in the face of Article 50 also.
The mood music is that the fifth option of the PM's deal with customs union and single market access being the one which will receive the nod.
Brexit, it's fun fun fun.

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