FOAB Information

Wednesday 27 March 2019

Israel Erasing Palestine With Trump's Help

Benjamins Netanyahu's Likud Party have a manifesto pledge which contains the line 'the Government of Israel flatly rejects the establishment of a Palestinian Arab state west of the Jordan river' which is pretty clear and makes a mockery of any pretence that Israel want to share the land with their neighbours.
Israeli plans for the region are that there is no Palestine at all in it and they seem to have a kindred spirit in the White House who promised to bridge the gap between the incredible shrinking Palestinian territories and the Israeli government.
By moving the American Embassy to Jerusalem and now gift wrapping Israel the occupied territory of the Golan Heights, Trump has become Israel's bitch with a very strange idea of how to bring peace to the region.
Israel has never been interested in any peace deal, when one looks likely they scupper it every time so they can continue snatching the occupied land to achieve their ultimate aim of disappearing the problem of their neighbour.
Bezalel Smotrich, deputy speaker of the Knesset, has now asked Trump to recognise the illegal West Bank settlements, ignoring a half century of UN resolutions and international condemnation of the Israeli land-grab and although the idea of a two state solution is still given lip-service, Israeli settlements have engulfed the West Bank and the erasing of the Palestinians goes ahead.
The US has curtailed its financial support of the United Nations Relief and Works Agency, leaving a $125 million hole in the group that sustains much of what's left of Palestine's civilian infrastructure after decades of ruinous blockades, bombardments, invasions and apartheid policies.
Why America continues to back Israel is beyond me but once The West Bank has been sucked into Israel, next will be the open air prison which is Gaza and then Palestine will be no more which was the Israeli plan all along and now being endorsed by Donald Trump, the man who labelled himself the ultimate deal maker but is complicit in one of the greatest atrocities and human right abuses since the 2nd World War.

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