FOAB Information

Thursday 28 March 2019

May Going But What Follows Will Be As Bad

How bad do you have to be to agree to resign in order to get your colleagues to agree with you? As bad as Theresa May as it turns out and let there be no bones about it, she has been bad.
The problem is that although we may be soon be shot of Theresa, there is an equally terrible Conservative waiting to take her place including the current favourite Michael Gove, Amber Rudd, Sajid Javid, Jeremy Hunt, Dominic Raab and Boris Johnson all swimming in the very shallow
pool they will draw from.
Amidst screams of 'Sweet Jesus and all the little children, we are so screwed' we have to remember that the worst Prime Minister in living memory may not get her deal through so she will be hanging around for a while yet.
To be fair to Mrs May it wasn't just her that has been terrible, the entire Conservatives Government has been painfully awful since they got in power and drove through some of the most ideological right wing awfulness in living memory.
Considering that she took power from David Cameron promising 'to fight against burning injustices', her actions never matched her fine words with more austerity making people poorer, child poverty increasing, homelessness, disability cuts, NHS, Police and most Government Departments on their knees, the universal credit debacle, the increase of food banks and tax cuts for the higher earners.
She leaves with the UK perilously close to economic suicide and closer to breaking apart than it has ever been and the stench of the hostile environment for non-Brits polluting the air but when she finally goes we will be ruled over by yet another atrocious right wing zealot and the vicious, nasty Tory circle will begin to turn again.

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