FOAB Information

Wednesday 20 March 2019

The CIA Guide To Spotting Gay Men

A friend recently said that all the best men are either already taken or gay and while there is nothing i can do about the first, the CIA have helpfully detailed the characteristics to look for in a gay man. 
In a report dated 1980, the Central Intelligence Agency had the idea of identifying gay men from those they were investigating and use it to blackmail them as gay.
According to the CIA, any man who knew the meaning of 'gay, straight, and bi was definitely gay, since such words were passwords used primarily by gay men.
So if your intended target knows what the word gay means, the next phase is are they hardworking, intelligent, friendly, cooperative and punctual because all these traits are signs of the gay man.  
If all the boxes have been ticked so far then it isn't looking good for any future heterosexual relationship but don't despair just yet because the CIA have more surefire ways to tell. 
Gay men definitely used public transport because a gay man rarely drives to work and mainly drive at weekends and just to make certain, the final test are do they go shopping by themselves and use the Post Office to send mail. 
Although the 'tests' may be almost 40 years, you might want to avoid the afterwork drinks with that friendly guy you saw at the Post Office, especially if he has a bus ticket and kept checking his watch.

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