FOAB Information

Sunday 17 March 2019

What America Will Get Under Socialism

Capitalism has traditionally ranked alongside apple pie, shooting guns at each other and chlorinated chicken in the hearts of Americans but the youth are casting an eye away from the dog eat dog world with a poll showing that 61% of Americans aged 18 to 24 have a favourable attitude towards Communism's younger brother, Socialism.
Battered by constant recessions, the rich getting richer and facing a trip to Mexico or Canada to receive affordable healthcare, 39% of Americans of all ages say that they are 'well-disposed toward socialism'.
Perhaps the real reason Trump wants to build a wall on the Mexican border is to keep Americans away from cheaper foreign medical treatment but it shows that the issue of Socialism in America being equated with Communism is no longer an issue so as a proud Socialist allow me to explain what America can expect as the newest Socialist nation.

You get a song and it's sung to the tune of the Christmas Carol 'O' Christmas Tree' and while it's not quite Sweet Child 'O Mine, it's catchy enough and that Star Spangled Banner thing about rockets and things is outdated now anyway.
Socialism comes in any colour you want as long as it's red because for some reason everything Socialist is red including the flag, the badges, the posters and for the gents, especially the neck wear.
For the 39% of your poor fellow yankees who argue that staying with the current failed system is the way to go you have a long list of Socialists to name check such as Albert Einstein and if the brainiest man who has ever lived decides that Socialism is the way to go you know you have backed the right horse, or German physicist.
Finally Socialism is already working in the United States so if someone assaults you a police officer arrives, and without payment, resolves the situation. If America is invaded the military won't show up and ask for your bank details, they will chase them away for free and the Fire Dept. won't stand and watch your house burn down as you can't afford to pay them to unroll their hose, they will put the fire out without charge and your child gets educated for free and the rubbish collectors will take away your eighteen bin liners full of rubbish for nothing and do it on the roads maintained for free.

It's a no brainer really, under Socialism you get a neat song, everything coloured red and it comes with the endorsement of the biggest brain ever so cast off the chains of oppression under Capitalism and join me and my chums in a Socialist paradise singing a song to the tune of a Christmas Carol. What's not to like?


  1. according to the idiots that documented the "socialist" concept (face it, they didn't invent it) it always degrades into communism.

    Just 39%. I'm surprised it isn't higher since 47% are wards of the state already, using every conceivable ism as a reason for not working and for sucking the freedom, wealth, and energy out of those that do work...

  2. It seems that Americans (younger ones anyway) have seen Capitalism and don't like it much so are having a look at Socialism but Bernie Sanders isn't the man to bring it on, it needs a bright young thing and i am hearing good things about Cortez.

  3. she is stupid as a rock. hard to believe she studied economics. she probably cheated a lot.

    you are correct that many young don't like capitalism because it means they have to work. lots of the young want things given to them. why not? we gave them grades they did not earn (Cortez for example), trophies they did not win, compliments they did not deserve. it is simply natural that they expect everything to be given to them. it will work until the mean old capitalists die, then America will suck like the UK, France, Germany, Italy, and the rest of losers in Europe.

  4. UK sucks because we have a very right wing, ideological government and Italy sucks because Italy has always sucked.

  5. Italy is nice but not even close to the best, I'd say Any of the Scandinavian countries for nicest people, Switzerland for beauty and France for art and culture and U.K. For history.
