FOAB Information

Tuesday 23 April 2019

Get The Big Baby Blimp Ready, Trump's Coming

Blimey, that didn't take long. Within hours of being told Donald Trump was visiting Britain on 3 June for an official visit, a petition was going around the House of Commons to ban him and MP's were lining up in front of TV camera's to tell him to bugger off before he even gets here.
Labour said it 'beggars belief that the government is offering the red-carpet treatment to Trump given his attacks on British and American values' while backbenchers have began gathering signatures for a petition to force the cancellation of the trip.
This time, Trump is likely to dine with the Queen, attend discussions with Theresa May in Downing Street and join an event in Portsmouth to mark the D-day landings.
Plans for demonstrations are being made with groups preparing for a huge mobilisation and Emily Thornberry, the shadow foreign secretary, issued a strongly worded statement against the visit noting that it came on the same day that 'Donald Trump is threatening to veto a UN resolution against the use of rape as a weapon of war'.
The Scottish government said it wants no part of the visit as it would mean compromising their 'fundamental values of equality, diversity and human rights'.
A group of Labour MPs began organising an early day motion calling on May to ask Buckingham Palace to rescind the invitation, saying the invitation was 'bonkers' and called Trump a 'racist, sexist, extremist' while MP David Lammy went with Trump being a 'deluded, dishonest, xenophobic, narcissistic not worthy of the UK’s highest honours' and 'Theresa May is selling out the UK to a serial liar and a cheat'.
John Bercow, the Speaker, has said that he would not want to allow Trump to address both houses of parliament while Gerald Vernon-Jackson, the Liberal Democrat leader of Portsmouth city council said that he was disappointed that Trump was coming to Portsmouth.
Someone may need to give the Big Baby Blimp a dusting down, it may be needed in June.


  1. She was correct as that was the resolution, it was dealing with the result of the rape Trump disagreed with so he had to torpedo the whole thing so she was actually correct.

  2. Nope, trump threatened to veto the whole thing because he objected to the family planning part of it. His pandering to Religious ideology again perhaps but whatever the reason, he isn't voting for the resolution.

  3. Nobody said he did approve of rape, that was your interpretation.
