FOAB Information

Saturday 27 April 2019

Shooting The Messenger

Theresa May's Government is the leakiest of any Government in recent times, mainly as she has so many enemies surrounding her desperate to undermine her at every turn that they look to make her look weak at every opportunity.
It is with this in mind that the briefing at the top secret National Security meeting regarding the security implication of the Chinese firm, Huawei, running our 5G network, was leaked to the Times newpaper.
MI5 and MI6 have gone apoplectic at the leak which could only have come from inside the Governments higher echelons who in turn have blasted the newspaper for printing the leak they received.
A classic case of shooting the messenger and an attempt to deflect that someone close to Theresa May, a signatory of the The Official Secrets Act, leaked notes from a meeting which was highly sensitive and highly confidential.
The larger implications are that members of the council have now warned that they will not freely share information if they fear it will leak out which will hinder the government in their job.
No journalist worthy of the name would turn down such information if handed to them on a plate and the case could easily be made for the public interest that they know the implications of Huawei running crucial UK infrastructure.
To try and direct outrage about this leak at the press is to miss the point when the rage should be aimed at Ministers leaking top-secret meetings on national security as a way to harm the Prime Minister.


  1. Outlaws the knives used which are already banned? Ban them twice maybe?

  2. It's simple, if you have an illegal knife the police come along and arrest you although thanks to an ideological right wing government, less police around so less arrests as everyone told them, including the police, when they started their cutbacks.

  3. The 20,000 that has been cut would be a great start.

  4. I re-read the bit where you asked: 'how many police do you think you need?'
    Then i re-read my answer of: 'The 20,000 that has been cut would be a great start'
    The i re-read the bit where you said: 'That is not what i asked. you almost never answer my questions'. ?????

  5. Same answer written in another, more acceptable to you way.

    According to the Home Office, Police Workforce and Home Secretary Savid Javid, there should be 4.1 officers for every 1000 citizens but there has been a reduction of 20,000 police since this Government started their £700 million worth of police cuts in 2010 so with 126,000 police today, that makes 3.3 officers for every 1000 at the moment.

    I am good to trust them that we need at least the 20,000 back that were cut to go back to the 146,000 or 4.1 figure, (note the AT LEAST), but more would be better (or would be a great start).

    Disarming folks? Who is being disarmed as that means to take away their arms, which they haven't got to start with so how can they be disarmed?

    Hope you find this answer more to your liking.

  6. Strange how even when I give an answer provided by officialdom you disagree. Still didn't answer my disarming question I notice. How and what are they being disarmed of exactly? You think we should have arms as in guns like you nutters?

  7. I suspected it all along to be fair, it's about you trying to justify your bat shit crazy gun laws.
