FOAB Information

Saturday 25 May 2019

Call Out To Ken Clarke

By default, the leader of the Conservative Party will also become our Prime Minister so we all have a vested interest in who the Conservatives choose and looking at the motley bunch throwing their hats into the ring, it's not looking good.
The only Conservative i would be happy to see standing outside Number 10 is Ken Clarke as he is the only one on the blue benches who seems to have an ounce of common decency in him so it isn't even worth him running, which he isn't so we have a choice from Matt Hancock, Jeremy Hunt, Boris Johnson, Esther McVey and Rory Stewart with Graham Brady, Michael Gove, Sajid Javid, Andrea Leadsom, Penny Mordaunt, Priti Patel, Dominic Raab and Liz Truss waiting to join the frey.
Almost half of them have either been sacked from Government (Pritti Patel, Michael Gove, Boris Johnson) or resigned from it (Dominic Raab, Andrea Leadsom, Ester Mcvey) so it isn't a very high quality pool of suitors that the Tories are picking from but you would struggle to find many decent options from the 313 Conservative Members of Parliament available.
Jeremy Corbyn is calling for a General Election but i'm not convinced that Labour would win it with him in charge as he is currently neck and neck in the polls with the worst Prime Minister in living memory with a Government that has heaped austerity and cuts on us with glee for the past decade.
The least worse option would seem to be Rory Stewart but he was a remainer and it seems they are going to look at a Brexiteer to push through their disastrous Brexit plan but the field will be whittled down as deals are done amongst themselves until the final two remain and if Rory Stewart is not there and those left are either Boris Johnson, Ester McVey, Michael Gove or Pritti Patel then
heaven help us all.
I have emailed Ken Clarke imploring him to run but i haven't got my hopes set too high, the nasty party are looking for someone who will continue the self-destructive trajectory they have the nation on and Ken was always too decent to be the type of right winger who rises to the top of the Tories.

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